Campaign Issues

So many issues face Richland One! John Black is prepared to tackle them and make our community a better place.

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We must ensure that all of our schools are safe for our students and staff.

Given what has already transpired in another midlands district this year, we are on the right path by having metal detectors in all High School and Middle Schools throughout the District. The next roll-out will include all elementary school.

However, we must ensure that only trained staff are operating this equipment..



Teachers in Richland One must have the support and resources if we are going to increase out students success.

Most importantly, THEY MUST BE VALUED!

If we are to increase our teacher retention, we must value our teachers more. We MUST include them in the decision making process that affects them, this will provide a more successful buy in and support rather than always having decisions force down upon them. 

Teachers should also be included in the selection process for school principals.



We must ensure that every student has whatever resources necessary to be successful.

We cannot continue to fail them by not bringing out their full potential!

One thing that people fail to realize or consider is that not all students are interested in going to college or a university following high school graduation. We have a plethora of vocational programs that students are able to take advantage of and graduate high school with numerous certifications and licenses. We MUST ensure that every student is made aware of these options.



Whether it’s finances or contracts, the District MUST have crystal clear transparency and accountability.

No longer should we be doing things “because that is the way its been done!” It is imperative that every decision made is without reproach.  

We MUST change our FOIA fee schedule. No way should a FOIA application requet come with a $900 bill just to find out the information as to why a decision was made. We can and MUST do better.

Moving forward, we have to work together to clear the heavy clouds that are constantly hovering over our District, together we can make that happen!



On November 5th, vote for John Black for

Richland One School Board At-Large.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the candidate.

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